Eco-STEM Project Publications

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers and Presentations 

Bowen, C. L., Thompson, L. L., Menezes, G. B., and Restrepo Nazar, C. (2023, Feb.), Measuring Systemic Educational Wellness using the Eco-STEM Educational Ecosystem Health Survey. 2023 Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Abstract under review. 

Bowen, C.L., Heubach, S., and Dong, J. (2022, Oct.), The Development of the Eco-STEM Peer Observation Tools to Change the Culture of Teaching and Learning in STEM. To be presented at the 2022 Frontiers in Education (FiE) Annual Conference. Paper accepted for publication. 

Bowen, C. L., Thompson, L. L., Menezes, G. B., and Restrepo Nazar, C. (2022, June), Work-In-Progress: Measuring Systemic Educational Wellness using the Eco-STEM Educational Ecosystem Health Survey. 2022 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 

Warter-Perez, N., Bowen, C. L., Mijares, J. G., Galván, D., Thompson, L. L., and Menezes, G. B. (2022, June), Work-In-Progress: Developing a Community of Practice to Support a Healthy Educational Ecosystem. 2022 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 

Menezes, G. B., Bowen, C. L., Dong, J., Thompson, L. L., Warter-Perez, N., Heubach, S., Schiorring, E., Galván, D., Mijares, J. G., Restrepo Nazar, C., and Allen, E. L. (2022, June), Eco-STEM: Transforming STEM Education using an Asset-based Ecosystem Model. 2022 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 


Conference Workshops and Special Sessions 

Heubach, S., Dong, J., and Bowen, C. (2022, June), Cultivating Faculty Growth through the ECO-STEM Peer Observation Process. 2022 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 

Heubach, S., Dong, J., and Bowen, C. (2022, April.), Building a Thriving Classroom using the ECO-STEM Tools. 2022 International Teaching and Learning Cooperative, LLC (ITLC) Lilly Online Annual Conference. 



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Eco-STEM Project Team

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DUE-2013630. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.