
From The Eco-STEM Wiki

Climate C3.4: Promotes a growth mindset in students


  • Use incorrect answers as a jumping board to highlight common mistakes: “Thank you for that answer. It gives me an opportunity to talk about a common mistake that I see students make....”
  • Use “yet” - as in, “you have not yet completely understood this concept/formula, so let us go over it and figure it out together.”
  • Growth mindset activity (Associated lesson plan and assignment)
    • Reinforce the ideas from the growth mindset activity/assignment using the Growth Mindset Feedback Tool, reminding students about the pledge they made in the assignment, etc.
  • Use corrections assignments to reward effort and growth rather than penalizing mistakes. Students can submit work and solutions to items they got incorrect on an exam for a return of some or all of their lost points.
  • Metacognitive “exam wrapper” to support students’ reflection on their performance
  • End of semester reflection

Further Learning

  1. Blackwell, L. (2002). You can grow your intelligence: New research shows the brain can be developed like a muscle. Health & Science News You Can Use, p. 6-9. https://www.sccollege.edu/Faculty/vjones/Documents/Grow%20Your%20Brain.pdf