
From The Eco-STEM Wiki

Climate C2.1: Promotes a classroom environment where questions are valued


  • Note that you, as the instructor, set the tone, rules and expectations of the class at the beginning of semester
  • Provide positive verbal feedback to reinforce a classroom environment that values questions


  • State that “questions are welcomed and valued” from the beginning of the semester
  • After answering a student's question, thank the student for asking the question.
  • While explaining new material, ask “Am I making sense?” or “Does what I covered make sense?”. Count to 10 to wait for students to answer.
    • You could also say “I know there are questions so I’m just going to wait until someone asks something.”
  • Another sequence of asking is this:
    • Invitation: Have I explained this topic well enough, or is there something I can clarify? (This makes the question the “fault of the instructor” rather than the “stupidity” of the student.
    • Clarification: What I hear you asking is…..
    • Confirmation: Did I answer your question?
  • If only a couple students are answering, then considering shifting to a think, pair, share activity